
10 trends in training in 2015

Multimedial, gamification, storytelling: key words which today are more often mentioned and, along with others, characterize the training field in 2015. This is how.

  1. Blended. The blended training model is becoming the prevalent one. The tendency is to radically curtail the time spent in the classroom, to retain old methods but integrate them into online and off-line self-learning, coaching, cooperative learning and multiple methodologies. The tendency is for classes to be increasingly shorter, experiential, based on case studies and with an advisory approach.
  2. A Multimedia and Multichannel reality. We are experiencing increased use of tablets, webinars, televisual screens, podcasts, online simulation environments that are integrating traditional e-learning platforms with corporate intranets. Learning can be organised anywhere, in any space, at any time.
  3. Internal Academies. New models of internal training organisation are required as a result of the transition from old-fashioned training models based on internal training plans founded on a catalogue of classroom courses, to learning architectures which design processes of continual training and which involve the whole organisation, increasingly linked to business. We are witnessing a growth of internal Academies (or Corporate Universities, or however they may be named) which are based on a widespread network of internal teachers/moderators.
  4. Self-learning. The theme of self-learning is becoming increasingly prevalent and central, referring not only to the constant growth of e-learning, but the need to empower people to take charge of their personal development, with the key mantra of learning from experience. There will certainly be difficulties of adaptation due to the old-fashioned type of learning acquired at school and perpetuated by traditional organisational models which involved “undergoing” learning units packaged by others, but this new type of learning is the way of the future.
  5. Self-production. Another growing trend is the self-production of eLearning courses and other objects of knowledge. In particular, thanks to the spread of low-cost software and a new generation of digital natives joining the company, basic eLearning is easily managed on an independent basis by organisations. These days, few days of training and support are required in order to make an organisation independent.
  6. Gamification. The culture of gamification is moving from a niche expertise with few adherents and fast entering the learning processes, social learning environments and eLearning. Games, challenges, the definition of progressive goals, points and prizes are becoming indispensable in any learning process.
  7. Storytelling. Storytelling has been an established methodology in the training environment for many years. The value of narrating experiences and the codification of emotions and experiences is becoming important also in multimedia learning and social learning environments. Video-storytelling is one of the many possible examples.
  8. Visualthinking. Make visible the abstract, reducing to essentials and speeding up learning, making something interesting when it is traditionally regarded as boring -a typical reaction to obligatory training or schooling – is the secret of success and of the growing use of visual thinking and static and dynamic infographic methodologies.
  9. Sociallearning. The encounter between the world of learning and the world of social group dynamics in digital environments makes social learning of key interest, and it has great potential for development in the training practices of organisations in the coming years.
  10. Certificazione. Making visible the result of a training course, making tangible the result of a commitment and enhancing one’s CV are always motivating factors. The validation and certification of skills is increasingly necessary for the recognition and comparability at European level of qualifications and certifications (EQF – European Qualifications Framework).

Curated by the team from Skilla, Amicucci Formazione’s method

written by: team di Skilla , 25 November 2014

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