
Capitalisation of training assets in Knowledge Management environments

Why capitalise on an organisation’s training assets? To answer this, first of all we need to reflect upon these questions: how much budget has been invested in training projects, the end results of which were soon filed away and forgotten? How many training resources already existing within the organisation could be used as self-learning courses? A knowledge management environment within the organisation can guarantee:

  • more efficient archiving of teaching materials, providing a repository that is always up to date and easy to access
  • the exploitation of teaching resources built up over time and which are an integral part of the training assets
  • the promotion of accessibility by users who have self-learning training courses at their disposal.

Two examples of projects in knowledge management environments for capitalising on training assets can be found in capusability and the virtual library. Capusability – Capitalisation and reuse of knowledge – is an experimental project launched in collaboration with the Intesa Sanpaolo Training Department and InfoFactory. An environment for capitalising on a company’s training assets by suggesting automatically, through the application of semantic algorithms, specific training content based on the professional and personal characteristics of the users. The virtual library, technically set up as a WEB platform that can be accessed from a PC and other mobile devices, is a Knowledge Management and learning ecosystem a hub per interconnecting company knowledge nodes and networks a flexible environment that can be customised, to capitalise on the wealth of company expertise, integrating it with the knowledge available on the web and allowing each individual to create their own personal knowledge area! As well as efficiently organising the content of the company knowledge assets, these environments can be further enhanced and supplied with content selected by external consultants, content proposed by the actual company personnel and content found on the web, which is then filtered and validated by editorial staff. Sara Fabiano

written by: Sara Fabiano , 24 October 2015

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