
Developing digital skills: three steps to achieve a minimum corporate standard

Digital competence is the overall knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable you to use digital tools in a critical and creative manner in order to achieve objectives and to increase personal and corporate value. According to the model proposed by the European Union, digital skill is one of the eight key competences for permanent learning and participation in an increasingly digitalised society. 5 groups have been identified:

  • Information
  • Communication
  • Creation of content
  • Security
  • Problem solving

Below are 3 STEPS to develop digital competences. 1. IDENTIFYING THE GAP THROUGH SELF-EVALUATION. The digital gap can be identified by determining the digital level you wish to achieve and comparing it with the skills you already have. Determining shortcomings and excellences, divided by industry, role or business activity, helps to obtain a more detailed view of the distribution of digital culture and intervention areas in the company. The whole organisation is therefore invited to understand the logic of the web, apply the methods and master the most suitable tools for your business activities. 2. OVERVIEW OF THE DIGITAL WORLD AND AVAILABLE TOOLS. A high level of awareness is what allows the critical use of technology and helps achieve an understanding of the wider scenario of change brought by new technologies. The following can be used in order to know the currently available tools and their functionalities:

  • Glossaries or video glossaries sent to employees on a regular basis, in order to understand the key concepts in just a few seconds
  • Webinar, “Pillole Formative Multimediali®” (Multimedia Training Pills) or short e-learning courses
  • Training courses blended with classroom sessions and distance learning, with expert and local digital tutors
  • Physical media, such as posters, mouse-pads, cards, with hints, tricks and general ploys to be applied during the various activities.

3. BRIDGING THE GAP AND REACHING THE OBJECTIVE. By going into more detail in regard to digital competence we develop certain areas, tools and methodologies. Let’s see some of the techniques for practicing and training on digital skills.

  • Reverse Mentoring: the younger and “digital” company staff coach senior colleagues on specific skills, tools and technologies.
  • Self-training: using the tools, discovering the latest innovations and going into more detail in regard to certain digital areas independently, also because of the training timescales and methods.
  • Gamification: using the mechanics and dynamics of games in order to actively train and stimulate certain skills and attitudes.
  • Workshop: seminars which have to be attended, involving the participants in the realisation of a project using digital tools and techniques.

This topic was addressed in posterLab no. 22: “minimum standard of digital competences”. Lorenzo Perrone

written by: Lorenzo Perrone , 4 February 2016

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