
Digital skills of the new trainer 2.0

In a complex and dynamic environment that profoundly transforms logical and competitive dynamics, corporate training faces a dual challenge: innovating itself in order to innovate the company. Indeed, it needs to deal with changes in the cultural, technological, social, organisational and economic landscape, thereby transforming its strategies and actions. What does innovating training mean? Where does the transformation and development process begin? It begins with people, those who manage the process of creation, organisation and dissemination of knowledge within the company. The trainer 2.0 category includes anyone actively involved in the process of sharing of knowledge: from requirements analysis, programming paths and resources, delivery through to monitoring and on-the-job support. To deal with, manage and drive change, a trainer has to evolve into 2.0. They must necessarily add to their skills. In this sense, the topic of digital skills becomes a priority. The minimum requirement, although not sufficient, for digital social learning practices is the dissemination of a “minimum standard of digital skills” possessed by everyone in the organisation, starting with the trainer. The trainer becomes the protagonist and driver of change through training 2.0, which is to say:

  • continuous and pervasive
  • sustainable, with a view to optimising resources and internal knowledge
  • innovative from a multimedia point of view and more effective.

How does a trainer evolve? What steps need to be taken towards a more evolved and conscious role? Here they are in detail:

  • become aware of change affecting the role of the trainer (from teacher to learning facilitator)
  • acquire key digital tools for more effective management of the entire training process
  • operate more effectively in the design of training programmes and the creation of content
  • improve the delivery phase in the classroom, making the utmost use of the potential provided by the web and new technologies
  • manage the post-classroom phase, with particular reference to the management of online communities
  • promote a digital culture and self-study approach through training 2.0
  • know how to convey new digital skills to all users via a cascade process.

The supporting digital skills can be grouped into four main categories: Skill 1: SEARCH FOR SOURCES AND CONTENT ON THE WEB How to quickly search for content, contacts, specialist sites and especially how to verify their validity. How to select, filter and adapt the sources for each specific need and every target. Skill 2: ORGANISE, CLASSIFY AND SHARE CONTENT This means being able to resort to the use of internal and external environments to sort and classify content. In addition, it becomes increasingly important to know how to design as part of a team, sharing projects and materials in co-working environments, with the objective of capitalising and re-using training content. Skill 3: CREATE ENGAGING CONTENT Facilitating learning means searching for and trying new languages ??and new approaches to training. The key digital skill that needs developing in this regard is an ability to search online for multimedia tools to develop high-impact communication resources that are enjoyable and engaging, even for very technical materials and disciplines. The new generation trainer, in fact, involves participants in the creation of digital content. Reuses the wealth of movies, pictures, training pills, already acquired in the company. Skill 4: MIXING AND GUIDING EVOLUTION TOWARDS DIGITAL TRAINING Activating blended paths means mixing resources, guiding the classroom towards a more experiential approach, less oriented towards delivery. The classroom does not disappear, but evolves and becomes the focal point of a more structured and articulated path, consisting of digital resources and periods of guided self-learning. In particular, it becomes essential to know how to manage the post-classroom phase using digital and social tools to ensure involvement and ongoing support. How? Through:

  • community
  • self-learning
  • project work
  • certifications

It therefore becomes evident that the skills of the trainer 2.0 are not only technical and digital, but especially centred around understanding and monitoring the dynamics of change in the training environment. The tools may change, but above all it is the objectives and the recipients of training that change, becoming increasingly digital and less passive, until they themselves become creators of content. It is the evolution from user to prosumer (producer + consumer), who thanks to digital tools interacts, shares and defines spaces and new situations to capitalise knowledge and the dissemination of best practices. It is therefore clear that in an economy based on knowledge and innovation, conscious management of new multimedia technologies will lead to new forms of production and sharing of knowledge and know how for the increasingly sustainable, competitive and inclusive development of the company. Lorena Patacchini

written by: Lorena Patacchini , 19 October 2016

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