
More engaging internal communication with Yammer

Some projects need to constantly update the work being done, and continuous communication and integration among collaborators: a company’s intranet or common internal communication systems may not be practical for contemporaneous smart working. One solution could come from Yammer, a system that simplifies these types of processes, thanks to the logic of a true social network with a professional aspect.

Yammer is a useful tool for keeping colleagues and partners informed, coordinating work and collaborating via the network, by using the power and speed of a social network. Like many other social platforms, Yammer allows people to follow and manage a constant flow of communication: thanks to the logic of the message boards, people can have a quick overview of all the company’s communications, then only examine those in which they are interested.

Here it is possible to share information on a work in progress, give useful advice, know what colleagues are working on, advise those working on a problem or give assistance, for example, to the sales network. Among the various features of this enterprise social network there are surveys, messaging, chat, thematic discussion groups, storage of useful documents and integration with Sharepoint and Office. Among the various and more interesting uses of this platform is the possibility to share all of the company’s knowledge, byasking questions in a common area and drawing from the experience of those who are experts on the subject, for example by activating a rapid process of assistance on all the sales network. With collaboration, communication andsmart working in mind, Yammer provides, either free or at low cost, its dedicated application for mobiles supporting Windows Phone, Apple iPhone and iPad, Blackberry and Android. This provides a complete informative experience without barriers and creates a protected environment with many types of interaction, giving a social soul to a company’s intranet. Watch the cartoon to discover Yammer’s potential. Federico Amicucci

written by: Federico Amicucci , 16 July 2014

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