MOOCs, Adaptive Learning, Mobile Learning, Social Networking, BigData, Gamification: these are the key subjects and the trends with which Skilla was compared during ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, which was held in the German capital from 3 to 6 December 2013. ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN is one of the most important yearly international appointments, dedicated to the analysis and sharing of emerging trends in e-learning. Skilla couldn’t miss this event, which can attract more than 2,000 operators of e-learning, coming from more than 100 different countries. The event was an intercultural occasion to compare current trends, explore the use of new technology, gather elements, strategies and innovative solutions in order to aim at the continuous improvement of our products, as well as being an important opportunity for launching the Skilla method internationally: the comprehensive catalogue of Training Pills on soft skills received considerable interest from the operators in the field of human resources and organisational training who visited our stand.
Sara Fabiano