
Realising eLearning courses independently

Independently realising eLearning courses is not that difficult! Customised training courses can be realised through self-production, in accordance with one’s own needs and requirements, without needing to buy or adapt standard packages. Do you wish to try to independently organise eLearning courses but are not sure how to do it? Let’s begin by seeing if you have the BASIC ELEMENTS to begin with:

  • content for completing and providing courses
  • people who have expertise in the development of multimedia content (often and especially at the beginning, one person deals with several activities)
  • technological and authoring tools (a latest generation PC or expensive software are unnecessary)
  • at least one administrator/manager of an LMS platform or a virtual environment to manage courses and the learners
  • (the platform can be open source or commercial)
  • a schedule or programme of what is required
  • the time to organise everything.

If you have all this, you are ready to begin. Let’s now analyse some ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR that allows you to do it properly. 1st STEP

  • carry out a survey on training needs (for example, in your company)
  • identify the roles, using the best abilities of the persons available (graphics, content supervisor, etc.)
  • implement the first courses, starting from the course that is the most simple to realise (do not forget to test your courses from start to finish before going ahead with them)
  • give visibility to the courses (posters, invitations, reminders, newsletters)
  • monitor and manage the courses.

2nd STEP

  • assess the courses provided
  • consider the feedback from users
  • correct any mistakes
  • limit possible attendance to a maximum of eight weeks
  • provide for online tutoring, discussion forums and post classroom support.

3rd STEP

  • consolidate the skills of trainers/course developers through constant updating (authoring tool, blogs, educational events, professional groups)
  • recruit and train new trainers (important to widen the net) for the development of courses and for the management of the eLearning portal
  • implement new courses with greater complexity and interactivity.

Having acquired the necessary skills, you just have to adopt certain strategies to increase the value of your courses in your future. Here are a few of them:

  • motivate your learners, providing gamification courses
  • include elements that develop their autonomy and skills (certification)
  • include online training as part of “blended” courses do not forget microlearning (it is fresh, fast and immediate)
  • properly develop the graphics used for courses.

If you come this far, you should have understood how to create eLearning courses independently. There are just a few simple but effective TIPS left to safely achieve your set goals:

  • after having learned something new, put it into practice
  • if something goes wrong, do not let it get you down, retrace your steps and start again
  • no process or tool is better than any of the others, but the right amount of creativity and courage doesn’t do any harm

… but above all … Have fun!! Matteo Steduto Training courses designer, IRCCS Hospital “Relief from suffering institute”

written by: Matteo Steduto , 2 February 2017

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