

World map with countries coloured in to show their scorings from the LPI

The leading authority on workplace learning, the Learning and Performance Institute has nominated Skilla among the Top 30 Highest Performing Learning Providers in its latest international report. The following KPI were used to select the top learning organisations:

  • Client Integrity
  • Corporate Integrity & CSR
  • Client Value Proposition
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Learning Consultancy
  • Live Learning
  • Online Learning
  • eLearning Content
  • Self-Study Content
  • Quality Management
  • Service/Product Roadmap
  • Qualifications/Accreditations
  • People Development
  • Business Stability

Little more than two years after the opening of skilla UK and the launch of the skillaLibrary of multimedia training courses in English, the accelerated growth of skilla’s international presence has been remarkable and skilla courses are now present in over 50 countries across the world.

This wide-ranging and rapid success has been possible due to the innovative and “heutogogical” eLearning model, which empowers self-learning and learning organisations, and to skilla’s own learning agility in responding to evolving client requirements, including those of many multinationals, who utilise skilla learning solutions across the world.

skilla’s internationalisation is led by a new generation within the Amicucci company and by a management team with long-standing experience both in Italy and in the UK.

written by: Hugo Thomas , 14 July 2020

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