This year, too, we took part in ExpoTraining, the national training trade fair that was held on 17 and 18 October at the Milan City Fiera. Keeping faith with the deepest meaning of education, i.e. leading people to take on new forms, we have fore-grounded the ten guiding principles of the Skilla method, the Ariadne’s thread of our workshops: lightness, rapidity, the art of concision, edutainment, visual thinking, multi-channeled inputs, emotional involvement, measurement of efficacy and return on investment. In the conviction that the method used affects the final outcome, our manifesto intends to enhance, to offer better training solutions to the needs of organizations and of their human capital. All of this emerged from dialoguing with our guests, some of whose testimonies we report below. “The key points to have emerged, which represent the real challenge in the area of training, are reducing timings while maintaining the quality of contents and their scientific value, contraction of the differential between behavioral training and technical training increasing personal competencies and motivation and, last but not least, winning acceptance for the culture of e-learning. Those who promote training occupy a crucial role with great responsibility: they represent the company and become a point of reference for all who have direct or indirect relations with it.” “Putting personal education at the center: this is what turns a method into a winning method.” Buoyed along by our agreement with these points of view and by our shared experience, we would like this short article to represent just the beginning of a continuous dialogue with the area of training, given life by professionals who invest their talent each day in this challenging task.
A special thank you to all our guests who, through their presence and their professionalism, accompanied us through this event. Melissa Vallesi